Measures of Dispersion Understand the concept of standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data sets Compare dispersions of different data sets using appropriate measures
Measures of Dispersion Understand the concept of standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data sets Compare dispersions of different data sets using appropriate measures
Laws of Integral Indices extend and explore the meaning of the index notation of numbers with negative exponents explore, understand and use the laws of integral indices to simplify simple algebraic expressions (up to 2 variables only)
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Linear Equations in Two Unknowns plot and explore the graphs of linear equations in 2 unknowns formulate and solve simultaneous equations by algebraic and graphical methods
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Factorization of Simple Polynomials factorize polynomials by using identities including difference of two squares; perfect square expressions; difference and sum of two cubes
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Approximation and Errors acquire further concepts and skills of rounding off numbers to a required number of significant figures understand and calculate different types of errors such as absolute errors, relative errors and percentage errors.
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Quadratic Equations in One Unknown Solve quadratic equations by the factor method Solve problems involving quadratic equations
Manipulations of Simple Polynomials recognize polynomial as a special example of algebraic expressions recognize the meaning of the terminology involved
Manipulations of Simple Polynomials recognize polynomial as a special example of algebraic expressions recognize the meaning of the terminology involved
Series and Sequence Understand the concept and the properties of arithmetic sequences