Rate and Ratio understand the meaning of rate and ratio apply the ability in using rate, ratio to solve real-life problems including mensuration problems
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Their Summations Understand the concept and the properties of arithmetic sequences Understand the general term of an arithmetic sequence
Approximation and Errors acquire further concepts and skills of rounding off numbers to a required number of significant figures use scientific notation in practical problems
2012 -
Inequalities and Linear Programming Solve compound linear inequalities in one unknown Solve quadratic inequalities in one unknown by the algebraic method
Pythagoras’ Theorem
Basic Properties of Circles Understand the properties of chords and arcs of a circle Understand the angle properties of a circle
More about Areas and Volumes
More About Trigonometry Understand the functions sine, cosine, and tangent, their graphs and properties Solve the trigonometric equations a sin θ = b, a cos θ = b, a tan θ = b (0° to 360°) and other equations
More About Trigonometry Understand the functions sine, cosine, and tangent, their graphs and properties Solve the trigonometric equations a sin θ = b, a cos θ = b, a tan θ = b (0° to 360°) and other equations
Basic Properties of Circles Understand the angle properties of a circle Understand the properties of a cyclic quadrilateral