More About Probability Recognize the notation of set language including union, intersection, and complement Understand the addition law of probability and concepts of mutually exclusive events and complementary events
Simple Idea of Probability
Permutations and Combinations Understand the concept and notation of combination Solve problems on the combination of distinct objects without repetition
More About Probability Recognize the notation of set language including union, intersection, and complement Understand the addition law of probability and concepts of mutually exclusive events and complementary events
More About Probability Recognize the notation of set language including union, intersection, and complement Understand the addition law of probability and concepts of mutually exclusive events and complementary events
Permutations and Combinations Understand the concept and notation of permutation Solve problems on the permutation of distinct objects without repetition
Permutations and Combinations Understand the concept and notation of combination Solve problems on the combination of distinct objects without repetition
More About Probability Recognize the concept and notation of conditional probability Recognize the notation of set language including union, intersection, and complement
More About Probability Recognize the notation of set language including union, intersection, and complement Understand the addition law of probability and concepts of mutually exclusive events and complementary events
Permutations and Combinations Understand the concept and notation of permutation Solve problems on the permutation of distinct objects without repetition