Measures of Dispersion Understand the concept of standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data sets Compare dispersions of different data sets using appropriate measures
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion Understand the concept of dispersion Understand the concept of standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data sets
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion Construct and interpret the box-and-whisker diagram to compare data distributions Understand the concepts of range and inter-quartile range
Measures of Dispersion Understand the effect of adding/multiplying a constant on the dispersion of data
Measures of Dispersion Understand the concept of standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data sets Compare dispersions of different data sets using appropriate measures
Measures of Dispersion Understand the effect of adding/multiplying a constant on the dispersion of data
Measures of Dispersion Understand the concepts of range and inter-quartile range Construct and interpret the box-and-whisker diagram to compare data distributions
Measures of Central Tendency